Sara's Summer as an Awareness Trainee
We interviewed one of our summer trainees to hear more about their experience of working as a trainee at Nixu. Let's hear what Sara has to say!

Who are you?
"My name is Sara Boddy and I’m a student at University of Jyväskylä, currently studying cybersecurity."
What brought you into the cybersecurity field?
"I got interested in the subject from traditional media and found that it was actually quite fascinating. That is why I wanted to understand more and work in the field. After reading about what Jyväskylä University had to offer, I got really excited about it and my curiosity keeps growing after many of the courses."
And more important, what brought you to Nixu and when?
"I knew Nixu is a well-known company in the field of cybersecurity and a friend of mine who was working here gave me some positive feedback about the company."
What are you working with at Nixu?
"I work in awareness which aims to teach an organization’s employees about how to detect and react to threats. The goal is that organization’s will be more resilient against cyberthreats. I have been working on e.g., our cybersecurity month’s material. Cybersecurity month is an annual security awareness campaign that aims to raise individuals and organizations knowledge about cybersecurity."
What kind of support have you gotten during your traineeship?
"I have gotten a loads of support from my colleagues and my supervisor. I have a tutor who I work closely with and work on our tasks with."
What does your workdays look like?
"It’s very flexible and diverse. I work on the tasks that are given to me, mostly customer work. Customer work includes e.g., creating awareness content, workshops or learning about the constantly changing cybersphere. In the summer, it is a bit quieter so not a lot of customer meetings."
How would you describe Nixu’s work culture?
"People are very open and helpful, so it is easy to get help and spar with people. Also, very flexible as you can work at home or at the office, depending on which suits you the best. And of course, very rewarding since we are working to make the cybersphere more safe for everyone."
What do you like doing on your spare time when not working? And what is your favorite summer activity?
"Quite basic things, so I spend time with my family and friends. My hobbies include dance and going to the gym. A new hobby is padel, and we actually have a small group here at Nixu, so we often play it together. My favorite summer activity is probably swimming in the Finnish lakes or in the sea."
Any tips for future trainees at Nixu?
"Definitely be curious, so stay updated and follow news about cybersecurity and topical threats. And talk to people, there is a lot of knowledge and experience which you can learn from. Also, give and ask for feedback, it’s always good to give and receive feedback to improve your own skills and the work culture."